Using Medicare While Traveling

Using Medicare While Traveling

Matt, My husband and I are finally taking a trip we’ve talked about for years, a Caribbean cruise. There will be port calls in the Bahamas, the Virgin Islands, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, and Trinidad and Tobago. How does Medicare work if we have an emergency at sea or in...
Does Medicare Cover Home Health Care Services?

Does Medicare Cover Home Health Care Services?

Hi Matt, My father’s Alzheimer’s has become much worse. He can’t be left unsupervised during the day. Everyone in our family works and can’t afford to provide him with round-the-clock care. We’ve looked into what it would cost to hire someone to cook and do some...
What If You Can’t Afford Medicare Premiums?

What If You Can’t Afford Medicare Premiums?

What If You Can’t Afford Medicare Premiums?  Hi Matt, Like most people today, I’m working with a limited income and need to save money where I can. However, I also don’t want to compromise on my Medicare needs. Can you give me a breakdown of how much premiums cost as...