Dear Matt, Can I use drug discount programs like GoodRx with my Medicare Part D prescription drug benefits? Thanks, Janice B. Drug Discount Coupon Programs and How they Work GoodRx is just one of many drug discount coupon programs out there advertising savings on...
Dear Matt, My local Medicare insurance agent told me the Medicare Open Enrollment starts in January? I thought Open Enrollment started on October 15 and ended on December 7. Is she wrong? Thanks, Sherry S. When is the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period? Your...
Matt, I’m retiring soon and think I’m going to skip buying a Medicare Advantage plan and purchase a Medicare Supplement plan and add a stand-alone Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan to my coverage. In your book, it’s Option 2; Medicare Part D + Supplement as you...
Dear Matt, Now that the Medicare AEP is over, are there any year-end items I need to take care of for my Medicare benefits and Medicare insurance? Does Medicare allow for a fourth-quarter carryover provision? Sincerely, Virginia M. The Medicare Annual Election Period...
Dear Matt, I’m on a Medicare Advantage plan. In your book, you recommend a Maximum Out Of Pocket (MOOP) no greater than $4,000. How am I able to tell whether or not my Medicare insurance company increased (or decreased) my Maximum Out Of Pocket (MOOP)? Sincerely,...
Dear Matt, I’m eligible for Medicare next month and plan on working through next year. I also plan to keep my employer-based health insurance the entire year. I have been participating in an employer HSA and have recently signed up for the max HSA deduction for next...